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New for the 2024-2025 school year

Forest Days

Once per month we hold class at a local forest park following the model of British and Scandinavian forest schools. 

What is Forest School?

Forest School originated in Scandinavia, stemming from the principle of “friluftsliv,” or free air life. It is a long term program with regular sessions immersed in nature throughout the seasons, creating a relationship between the student and the natural world. It supports play, exploration, and assisted risk-taking. Forest School has been shown to develop children’s confidence, motor skills, prosocial behaviors, cognitive function, and creative thinking skills, as well as just being fun!


As in our classrooms, our Forest Days curriculum follows the interests of the students, facilitated by our talented teachers. Children playing and building fairy houses from sticks and moss might lead to activities about the homes animals build and exploring nests, bugs in logs, or dens for hibernating. There is no end to the possibilities!

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